Synonyms for appraise

Synonyms for (verb) appraise

Synonyms: survey, appraise

Definition: consider in a comprehensive way

Usage: He appraised the situation carefully before acting

Similar words: study, examine, analyse, analyze, canvas, canvass

Definition: consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning

Usage: analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare; analyze the evidence in a criminal trial; analyze your real motives

Synonyms: assess, appraise, measure, valuate, value, evaluate

Definition: evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of

Usage: I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional; access all the factors when taking a risk

Similar words: evaluate, judge, pass judgment

Definition: form a critical opinion of

Usage: I cannot judge some works of modern art; How do you evaluate this grant proposal? We shouldn't pass judgment on other people

Visual thesaurus for appraise