Synonyms for crumble

Synonyms for (verb) crumble

Synonyms: dilapidate, crumble, decay

Definition: fall into decay or ruin

Usage: The unoccupied house started to decay

Similar words: change

Definition: undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature

Usage: She changed completely as she grew older; The weather changed last night

Synonyms: fall apart, crumble

Definition: break or fall apart into fragments

Usage: The cookies crumbled; The Sphinx is crumbling

Similar words: disintegrate

Definition: break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity

Usage: The material disintegrated; the group disintegrated after the leader died

Synonyms: collapse, break down, crumble, crumple, tumble

Definition: fall apart

Usage: the building crumbled after the explosion; Negotiations broke down

Similar words: change integrity

Definition: change in physical make-up

Visual thesaurus for crumble