Synonyms for asleep

Synonyms for (adj) asleep

Synonyms: deceased, departed, gone, asleep, at peace, at rest

Definition: dead

Usage: he is deceased; our dear departed friend

Similar words: dead

Definition: no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life

Usage: the nerve is dead; a dead pallor; he was marked as a dead man by the assassin

Synonyms: asleep

Definition: in a state of sleep

Usage: were all asleep when the phone rang; fell asleep at the wheel

Similar words: at rest

Definition: in a state of repose or especially sleep

Similar words: torpid, dormant, hibernating

Definition: in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation

Usage: dormant buds; a hibernating bear; torpid frogs

Similar words: dozy, drowsing, drowsy

Definition: half asleep

Usage: made drowsy by the long ride; it seemed a pity to disturb the drowsing (or dozing) professor; a tired dozy child; the nodding (or napping) grandmother in her rocking chair

Similar words: fast asleep, sound asleep

Definition: sleeping deeply

Usage: lying fast asleep on the sofa; it would be cruel to wake him; he's sound asleep

Similar words: hypnoid

Definition: of or relating to a state of sleep or hypnosis

Similar words: sleepy, sleepy-eyed, sleepyheaded

Definition: ready to fall asleep

Usage: beginning to feel sleepy; a sleepy-eyed child with drooping eyelids; sleepyheaded students

Similar words: slumberous, slumbery, slumbrous, somnolent

Definition: inclined to or marked by drowsiness

Usage: slumberous (or slumbrous) eyes; `slumbery' is archaic; the sound had a somnolent effect

Similar words: unawakened

Definition: still asleep

Synonyms: asleep, benumbed, numb

Definition: lacking sensation

Usage: my foot is asleep; numb with cold

Similar words: insensible

Definition: incapable of physical sensation

Usage: insensible to pain; insensible earth

Visual thesaurus for asleep