Antonyms for voluntary

Antonyms for (noun) voluntary

Main entry: military volunteer, voluntary, volunteer

Definition: (military) a person who freely enlists for service

Antonyms: draftee, conscript, inductee

Definition: someone who is drafted into military service

Antonyms for (adj) voluntary

Main entry: voluntary

Definition: of your own free will or design; done by choice; not forced or compelled

Usage: man is a voluntary agent; participation was voluntary; voluntary manslaughter; voluntary generosity in times of disaster; voluntary social workers; a voluntary confession

Antonyms: unvoluntary, nonvoluntary, involuntary

Definition: not subject to the control of the will

Antonyms: unwilling

Definition: not disposed or inclined toward

Antonyms: draftee, conscript, inductee

Definition: someone who is drafted into military service

Antonyms: paid

Definition: marked by the reception of pay

Main entry: voluntary

Definition: controlled by individual volition

Usage: voluntary motions; voluntary muscles

Antonyms: involuntary

Definition: controlled by the autonomic nervous system; without conscious control

Visual thesaurus for voluntary