Antonyms for unstable

Antonyms for (adj) unstable

Main entry: unstable

Definition: lacking stability or fixity or firmness

Usage: unstable political conditions; the tower proved to be unstable in the high wind; an unstable world economy

Antonyms: stable

Definition: resistant to change of position or condition

Antonyms: nonexplosive

Definition: not explosive

Antonyms: tough

Definition: resistant to cutting or chewing

Antonyms: tough, toughened

Definition: physically toughened

Antonyms: tough

Definition: not given to gentleness or sentimentality

Antonyms: nonvolatile, nonvolatilisable, nonvolatilizable

Definition: not volatilizing readily

Main entry: fluid, unstable

Definition: subject to change; variable

Usage: a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty; everything was unstable following the coup

Antonyms: unchangeable

Definition: not changeable or subject to change

Main entry: unstable, precarious

Definition: affording no ease or reassurance

Usage: a precarious truce

Antonyms: easy

Definition: free from worry or anxiety

Main entry: unstable

Definition: highly or violently reactive

Usage: sensitive and highly unstable compounds

Antonyms: unreactive

Definition: (chemistry) not reacting chemically

Main entry: unstable

Definition: disposed to psychological variability

Usage: his rather unstable religious convictions

Antonyms: resolute

Definition: firm in purpose or belief; characterized by firmness and determination

Main entry: mentally ill, unsound, unstable

Definition: suffering from severe mental illness

Usage: of unsound mind

Antonyms: sane

Definition: mentally healthy; free from mental disorder

Visual thesaurus for unstable