Antonyms for unholy

Antonyms for (adj) unholy

Main entry: unhallowed, unholy

Definition: not hallowed or consecrated

Antonyms: holy

Definition: belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power

Antonyms: sacred

Definition: concerned with religion or religious purposes

Main entry: diabolic, diabolical, demonic, fiendish, unholy, satanic, infernal, hellish

Definition: extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell

Usage: something demonic in him--something that could be cruel; fires lit up a diabolic scene; diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils; a fiendish despot; hellish torture; infernal instruments of war; satanic cruelty; unholy grimaces

Antonyms: good, goodness

Definition: moral excellence or admirableness

Antonyms: good

Definition: morally admirable

Main entry: wicked, unholy, sinful

Definition: having committed unrighteous acts

Usage: a sinful person

Antonyms: righteous

Definition: characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice

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