Antonyms for unhealthful

Antonyms for (adj) unhealthful

Main entry: unhealthful

Definition: detrimental to good health

Usage: unhealthful air pollution; unhealthful conditions in old apartments with peeling lead-based paint

Antonyms: healthful

Definition: conducive to good health of body or mind

Antonyms: enabling

Definition: providing legal power or sanction

Antonyms: healthy

Definition: having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease

Main entry: insanitary, unhealthful, unsanitary

Definition: not sanitary or healthful

Usage: unsanitary open sewers; grim and unsanitary conditions

Antonyms: sanitary, healthful

Definition: free from filth and pathogens

Main entry: insalubrious, unhealthful, unhealthy

Definition: detrimental to health

Antonyms: wholesome

Definition: conducive to or characteristic of physical or moral well-being

Visual thesaurus for unhealthful