Antonyms for submissive

Antonyms for (adj) submissive

Main entry: submissive

Definition: inclined or willing to submit to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination

Usage: submissive servants; a submissive reply; replacing troublemakers with more submissive people

Antonyms: domineering

Definition: tending to domineer

Antonyms: plucked

Definition: of a stringed instrument; sounded with the fingers or a plectrum

Antonyms: spirited

Definition: displaying animation, vigor, or liveliness

Main entry: slavish, submissive, subservient

Definition: abjectly submissive; characteristic of a slave or servant

Usage: slavish devotion to her job ruled her life; a slavish yes-man to the party bosses- S.H.Adams; she has become submissive and subservient

Antonyms: unservile, unsubmissive

Definition: not servile or submissive

Visual thesaurus for submissive