Antonyms for secular

Antonyms for (noun) secular

Main entry: layman, layperson, secular

Definition: someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person

Antonyms: clergyman, man of the cloth, reverend

Definition: a member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church

Antonyms for (adj) secular

Main entry: secular

Definition: of or relating to clergy not bound by monastic vows

Usage: the secular clergy

Antonyms: religious

Definition: of or relating to clergy bound by monastic vows

Main entry: profane, secular

Definition: not concerned with or devoted to religion

Usage: sacred and profane music; secular drama; secular architecture, children being brought up in an entirely profane environment

Antonyms: sacred

Definition: concerned with religion or religious purposes

Antonyms: religious

Definition: of or relating to clergy bound by monastic vows

Main entry: secular, worldly, temporal

Definition: characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world

Usage: worldly goods and advancement; temporal possessions of the church

Antonyms: unworldly

Definition: not concerned with the temporal world or swayed by mundane considerations

Antonyms: immaterial, nonmaterial

Definition: not consisting of matter

Antonyms: immaterial

Definition: of no importance or relevance especially to a law case

Antonyms: aquatic

Definition: operating or living or growing in water

Antonyms: amphibious

Definition: operating or living on land and in water

Main entry: secular, laic, lay

Definition: characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy

Usage: set his collar in laic rather than clerical position; the lay ministry

Antonyms: religious

Definition: of or relating to clergy bound by monastic vows

Antonyms: sacred

Definition: concerned with religion or religious purposes

Visual thesaurus for secular