Antonyms for receptive

Antonyms for (adj) receptive

Main entry: receptive, open

Definition: ready or willing to receive favorably

Usage: receptive to the proposals

Antonyms: unreceptive

Definition: not receptive

Antonyms: rejective

Definition: rejecting or tending to reject

Antonyms: inhospitable

Definition: unfavorable to life or growth

Antonyms: inhospitable

Definition: not hospitable

Main entry: centripetal, receptive, sensory

Definition: of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system

Usage: sensory neurons

Antonyms: efferent, motorial

Definition: of nerves and nerve impulses; conveying information away from the CNS

Main entry: receptive

Definition: able to absorb liquid (not repellent)

Usage: the paper is ink-receptive

Antonyms: nonabsorbent, nonabsorptive

Definition: not capable of absorbing or soaking up (liquids)

Main entry: receptive

Definition: open to arguments, ideas, or change

Usage: receptive to reason and the logic of facts

Antonyms: imperviable, impervious

Definition: not admitting of passage or capable of being affected

Visual thesaurus for receptive