Antonyms for real

Antonyms for (adj) real

Main entry: existent, real

Definition: being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory

Usage: real objects; real people; not ghosts; a film based on real life; a real illness; real humility; Life is real! Life is earnest!- Longfellow

Antonyms: unreal

Definition: lacking in reality or substance or genuineness; not corresponding to acknowledged facts or criteria

Antonyms: subjective

Definition: taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias

Antonyms: possible, potential

Definition: existing in possibility

Antonyms: ahistorical

Definition: unconcerned with or unrelated to history or to historical development or to tradition

Main entry: real

Definition: no less than what is stated; worthy of the name

Usage: the real reason; real war; a real friend; a real woman; meat and potatoes--I call that a real meal; it's time he had a real job; it's no penny-ante job--he's making real money

Antonyms: unreal

Definition: not actually such; being or seeming fanciful or imaginary

Antonyms: false

Definition: not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality

Antonyms: improper

Definition: not suitable or right or appropriate

Main entry: real

Definition: of, relating to, or representing an amount that is corrected for inflation

Usage: real prices; real income; real wages

Antonyms: nominal

Definition: of, relating to, or characteristic of an amount that is not adjusted for inflation

Main entry: real, material, substantial

Definition: having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary

Usage: the substantial world; a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical; most ponderous and substantial things- Shakespeare

Antonyms: insubstantial, unreal, unsubstantial

Definition: lacking material form or substance; unreal

Main entry: genuine, literal, actual, real

Definition: being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something

Usage: her actual motive; a literal solitude like a desert- G.K.Chesterton; a genuine dilemma

Antonyms: false

Definition: not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality

Main entry: real, tangible

Definition: capable of being treated as fact

Usage: tangible evidence; his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor

Antonyms: abstract

Definition: existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment

Main entry: real

Definition: (of property) fixed or immovable

Usage: real property consists of land and buildings

Antonyms: impalpable, intangible

Definition: incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch

Antonyms: intangible

Definition: (of especially business assets) not having physical substance or intrinsic productive value

Main entry: real

Definition: not to be taken lightly

Usage: statistics demonstrate that poverty and unemployment are very real problems; to the man sleeping regularly in doorways homelessness is real

Antonyms: frivolous

Definition: not serious in content or attitude or behavior

Main entry: real, veridical

Definition: coinciding with reality

Usage: perceptual error...has a surprising resemblance to veridical perception- F.A.Olafson

Antonyms: unrealistic

Definition: not realistic

Visual thesaurus for real