Antonyms for ready-made

Antonyms for (noun) ready-made

Main entry: ready-made

Definition: a manufactured artifact (as a garment or piece of furniture) that is made in advance and available for purchase

Usage: their apartment was furnished with ready-mades

Antonyms: custom-built, custom-made

Definition: an item made to the customer's specifications

Antonyms for (adj) ready-made

Main entry: ready-made

Definition: made for purchase and immediate use

Antonyms: custom, custom-made

Definition: made according to the specifications of an individual

Antonyms: unmade

Definition: (of a bed) not having the sheets and blankets set in order

Main entry: ready-made

Definition: commercially produced; not homemade

Usage: ready-made clothes

Antonyms: homemade

Definition: made or produced in the home or by yourself

Main entry: ready-made, cliched

Definition: repeated regularly without thought or originality

Usage: ready-made phrases

Antonyms: original

Definition: being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of

Visual thesaurus for ready-made