Antonyms for radical

Antonyms for (adj) radical

Main entry: basal, radical

Definition: especially of leaves; located at the base of a plant or stem; especially arising directly from the root or rootstock or a root-like stem

Usage: basal placentation; radical leaves

Antonyms: cauline

Definition: especially of leaves; growing on a stem especially on the upper part of a stem

Main entry: radical

Definition: arising from or going to the root or source

Usage: a radical flaw in the plan

Antonyms: incident, incidental

Definition: (sometimes followed by `to') minor or casual or subordinate in significance or nature or occurring as a chance concomitant or consequence

Main entry: radical, revolutionary

Definition: markedly new or introducing radical change

Usage: a revolutionary discovery; radical political views

Antonyms: old

Definition: of long duration; not new

Antonyms: worn

Definition: affected by wear; damaged by long use

Main entry: extremist, ultra, radical

Definition: (used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm

Usage: extremist political views; radical opinions on education; an ultra conservative

Antonyms: moderate

Definition: being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme

Visual thesaurus for radical