Antonyms for productive

Antonyms for (adj) productive

Main entry: productive

Definition: producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly)

Usage: productive farmland; his productive years; a productive collaboration

Antonyms: unproductive

Definition: not producing or capable of producing

Antonyms: poor, poor people

Definition: people without possessions or wealth (considered as a group)

Antonyms: poor

Definition: having little money or few possessions

Antonyms: poor

Definition: lacking in specific resources, qualities or substances

Antonyms: poor

Definition: characterized by or indicating poverty

Antonyms: lean

Definition: lacking in mineral content or combustible material

Antonyms: unfertile, sterile, infertile

Definition: incapable of reproducing

Main entry: generative, productive

Definition: having the ability to produce or originate

Usage: generative power; generative forces

Antonyms: consumptive

Definition: tending to consume or use often wastefully

Main entry: fertile, fat, rich, productive

Definition: marked by great fruitfulness

Usage: fertile farmland; a fat land; a productive vineyard; rich soil

Antonyms: unfruitful

Definition: not fruitful; not conducive to abundant production

Main entry: productive

Definition: yielding positive results

Antonyms: unsuccessful

Definition: not successful; having failed or having an unfavorable outcome

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