Antonyms for powerful

Antonyms for (adj) powerful

Main entry: powerful

Definition: having great power or force or potency or effect

Usage: the most powerful government in western Europe; his powerful arms; a powerful bomb; the horse's powerful kick; powerful drugs; a powerful argument

Antonyms: powerless

Definition: lacking power

Antonyms: weak

Definition: wanting in physical strength

Antonyms: impotent

Definition: lacking power or ability

Antonyms: impotent

Definition: (of a male) unable to copulate

Main entry: brawny, powerful, muscular, sinewy, hefty

Definition: (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful

Usage: a hefty athlete; a muscular boxer; powerful arms

Antonyms: weak

Definition: wanting in physical strength

Main entry: knock-down, powerful

Definition: strong enough to knock down or overwhelm

Usage: a knock-down blow

Antonyms: weak

Definition: wanting in physical strength

Main entry: herculean, powerful

Definition: displaying superhuman strength or power

Usage: herculean exertions

Antonyms: subhuman

Definition: less than human or not worthy of a human being

Main entry: powerful, potent

Definition: having great influence

Antonyms: uninfluential

Definition: not influential

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