Antonyms for painful

Antonyms for (adj) painful

Main entry: painful

Definition: causing physical or psychological pain

Usage: worked with painful slowness

Antonyms: painless

Definition: not causing physical or psychological pain

Antonyms: tough

Definition: resistant to cutting or chewing

Antonyms: tough, toughened

Definition: physically toughened

Antonyms: tough

Definition: not given to gentleness or sentimentality

Antonyms: insensitive

Definition: not responsive to physical stimuli

Antonyms: insensitive

Definition: deficient in human sensibility; not mentally or morally sensitive

Antonyms: cooked

Definition: having been prepared for eating by the application of heat

Main entry: abominable, atrocious, awful, unspeakable, painful, terrible, dreadful

Definition: exceptionally bad or displeasing

Usage: atrocious taste; abominable workmanship; an awful voice; dreadful manners; a painful performance; terrible handwriting; an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room

Antonyms: good, goodness

Definition: that which is pleasing or valuable or useful

Antonyms: good

Definition: having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified

Main entry: painful, irritating

Definition: causing physical discomfort

Usage: bites of black flies are more than irritating; they can be very painful

Antonyms: comfortable, comfy

Definition: providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief (`comfy' is informal)

Antonyms: comfortable

Definition: free from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind

Main entry: sore, painful, afflictive

Definition: causing misery or pain or distress

Usage: it was a sore trial to him; the painful process of growing up

Antonyms: pleasant

Definition: affording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings

Visual thesaurus for painful