Antonyms for organized

Antonyms for (adj) organized

Main entry: organized

Definition: methodical and efficient in arrangement or function

Usage: how well organized she is; his life was almost too organized

Antonyms: disorganised, disorganized

Definition: lacking order or methodical arrangement or function

Main entry: organized

Definition: formed into a structured or coherent whole

Antonyms: unorganised, unorganized

Definition: not having or belonging to a structured whole

Antonyms: disarranged

Definition: having the arrangement disturbed; not in order

Main entry: organised, organized, unionised, unionized

Definition: being a member of or formed into a labor union

Usage: organized labor; unionized workers; a unionized shop

Antonyms: disunion

Definition: the termination or destruction of union

Antonyms: separation

Definition: the state of lacking unity

Antonyms: nonunion

Definition: not belonging to or not allowing affiliation with a trade union

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