Antonyms for noncurrent

Antonyms for (adj) noncurrent

Main entry: noncurrent

Definition: not current or belonging to the present time

Antonyms: current

Definition: occurring in or belonging to the present time

Antonyms: front

Definition: the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer

Antonyms: veer

Definition: shift to a clockwise direction

Antonyms: advance, bring forward

Definition: cause to move forward

Antonyms: front, face, look

Definition: be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to

Antonyms: front

Definition: relating to or located in the front

Antonyms: ahead, forward

Definition: toward the future; forward in time

Antonyms: living

Definition: people who are still living

Antonyms: alive, live

Definition: possessing life

Antonyms: live

Definition: exerting force or containing energy

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