Antonyms for external

Antonyms for (adj) external

Main entry: external

Definition: happening or arising or located outside or beyond some limits or especially surface

Usage: the external auditory canal; external pressures

Antonyms: internal

Definition: happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface

Antonyms: inside, interior

Definition: the inner or enclosed surface of something

Antonyms: inside, interior

Definition: the region that is inside of something

Antonyms: inside

Definition: relating to or being on the side closer to the center or within a defined space

Antonyms: indoors, inside

Definition: within a building

Antonyms: inside, within

Definition: on the inside

Antonyms: inner

Definition: located or occurring within or closer to a center

Main entry: external

Definition: purely outward or superficial

Usage: external composure; an external concern for reputation- A.R.Gurney,Jr.

Antonyms: inward

Definition: relating to or existing in the mind or thoughts

Antonyms: inward, inwards

Definition: toward the center or interior

Main entry: outside, external, international

Definition: from or between other countries

Usage: external commerce; international trade; developing nations need outside help

Antonyms: native

Definition: characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin

Antonyms: domestic

Definition: of concern to or concerning the internal affairs of a nation

Main entry: external, extraneous, outside

Definition: coming from the outside

Usage: extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph; relying upon an extraneous income; disdaining outside pressure groups

Antonyms: intrinsic, intrinsical

Definition: belonging to a thing by its very nature

Visual thesaurus for external