Antonyms for euphonious

Antonyms for (adj) euphonious

Main entry: euphonious, euphonous

Definition: having a pleasant sound

Usage: a euphonious trill of silver laughter

Antonyms: cacophonic, cacophonous

Definition: having an unpleasant sound

Main entry: euphonious

Definition: (of speech or dialect) pleasing in sound; not harsh or strident

Usage: her euphonious Southern speech

Antonyms: hard

Definition: resisting weight or pressure

Antonyms: hard

Definition: dispassionate

Antonyms: hard

Definition: (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum

Antonyms: hard, concentrated

Definition: (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source

Antonyms: loud

Definition: characterized by or producing sound of great volume or intensity

Antonyms: hardened

Definition: protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons)

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