Antonyms for elated

Antonyms for (adj) elated

Main entry: elated

Definition: exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits

Usage: the elated winner; felt elated and excited

Antonyms: dejected

Definition: affected or marked by low spirits

Antonyms: low

Definition: a low level or position or degree

Antonyms: low spirits

Definition: a state of mild depression

Antonyms: low

Definition: literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension

Antonyms: low

Definition: less than normal in degree or intensity or amount

Antonyms: low, low-pitched

Definition: used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency

Main entry: elated, gleeful, joyful, jubilant

Definition: full of high-spirited delight

Usage: a joyful heart

Antonyms: joyless

Definition: not experiencing or inspiring joy

Visual thesaurus for elated