Antonyms for distributed

Antonyms for (adj) distributed

Main entry: distributed

Definition: spread out or scattered about or divided up

Antonyms: concentrated

Definition: gathered together or made less diffuse

Antonyms: collect, pull together, garner, gather

Definition: assemble or get together

Antonyms: inspissate, thicken

Definition: make thick or thicker

Antonyms: thicken, inspissate

Definition: become thick or thicker

Antonyms: fat

Definition: having an (over)abundance of flesh

Antonyms: full

Definition: (of sound) having marked deepness and body

Antonyms: thick

Definition: not thin; of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions

Antonyms: thick

Definition: relatively dense in consistency

Antonyms: unbroken

Definition: not broken; whole and intact; in one piece

Antonyms: unbroken, kept

Definition: (especially of promises or contracts) not violated or disregarded

Antonyms: unbroken

Definition: marked by continuous or uninterrupted extension in space or time or sequence

Antonyms: united

Definition: characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity

Antonyms: unshared

Definition: not shared

Antonyms: unspaced

Definition: arranged without spaces between

Antonyms: focused, focussed

Definition: being in focus or brought into focus

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