Antonyms for connected

Antonyms for (adj) connected

Main entry: connected

Definition: joined or linked together

Antonyms: unconnected

Definition: not joined or linked together

Main entry: connected

Definition: wired together to an alarm system

Usage: all the window alarms are connected

Antonyms: wireless

Definition: having no wires

Main entry: connected, machine-accessible

Definition: stored in, controlled by, or in direct communication with a central computer

Antonyms: off-line

Definition: not connected to a computer network

Antonyms: off-line

Definition: not on a regular route of a transportation system

Main entry: connected

Definition: plugged in

Usage: first check to see whether the appliance is connected

Antonyms: off

Definition: not in operation or operational

Antonyms: off, cancelled

Definition: (of events) no longer planned or scheduled

Main entry: connected, affiliated, attached

Definition: being joined in close association

Usage: affiliated clubs; all art schools whether independent or attached to universities

Antonyms: unrelated

Definition: not connected by kinship

Antonyms: unrelated

Definition: lacking a logical or causal relation

Visual thesaurus for connected