Antonyms for bloodless

Antonyms for (adj) bloodless

Main entry: bloodless

Definition: free from blood or bloodshed

Usage: bloodless surgery; a bloodless coup

Antonyms: bloody

Definition: having or covered with or accompanied by blood

Antonyms: violent

Definition: acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensity

Main entry: exsanguine, exsanguinous, bloodless

Definition: destitute of blood or apparently so

Usage: the bloodless carcass of my Hector sold- John Dryden

Antonyms: living

Definition: people who are still living

Antonyms: alive, live

Definition: possessing life

Antonyms: live

Definition: exerting force or containing energy

Main entry: blanched, bloodless, white, ashen, livid

Definition: anemic looking from illness or emotion

Usage: a face turned ashen; the invalid's blanched cheeks; tried to speak with bloodless lips; a face livid with shock; lips...livid with the hue of death- Mary W. Shelley; lips white with terror; a face white with rage

Antonyms: colorful, colourful

Definition: having striking color

Antonyms: colorful, colourful

Definition: striking in variety and interest

Main entry: bloodless

Definition: without vigor or zest or energy

Usage: an insipid and bloodless young man

Antonyms: spirited

Definition: displaying animation, vigor, or liveliness

Main entry: bloodless

Definition: devoid of human emotion or feeling

Usage: charts of bloodless economic indicators

Antonyms: human

Definition: having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings

Visual thesaurus for bloodless