Antonyms for block

Antonyms for (verb) block

Main entry: immobilise, immobilize, freeze, block

Definition: prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)

Usage: Blocked funds; Freeze the assets of this hostile government

Antonyms: free, release, unblock, unfreeze

Definition: make (assets) available

Main entry: stuff, choke up, block, lug

Definition: obstruct

Usage: My nose is all stuffed; Her arteries are blocked

Antonyms: loosen up, unstuff

Definition: cause to become unblocked

Main entry: blank out, block, draw a blank, forget

Definition: be unable to remember

Usage: I'm drawing a blank; You are blocking the name of your first wife!

Antonyms: think, call back, call up, recall, retrieve, recollect, remember

Definition: recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection

Main entry: jam, close up, block, impede, obstruct, obturate, occlude

Definition: block passage through

Usage: obstruct the path

Antonyms: free, disengage

Definition: free or remove obstruction from

Visual thesaurus for block