Antonyms for benign

Antonyms for (adj) benign

Main entry: benign, benignant

Definition: pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence

Usage: a benign smile; the benign sky; the benign influence of pure air

Antonyms: malign

Definition: evil or harmful in nature or influence

Antonyms: unkindly

Definition: in an unkind manner or with unkindness

Main entry: benign

Definition: not dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive (especially of a tumor)

Antonyms: malignant

Definition: dangerous to health; characterized by progressive and uncontrolled growth (especially of a tumor)

Main entry: benign

Definition: kindness of disposition or manner

Usage: the benign ruler of millions; benign intentions

Antonyms: unkind

Definition: lacking kindness

Visual thesaurus for benign