Antonyms for bare

Antonyms for (adj) bare

Main entry: bare

Definition: lacking its natural or customary covering

Usage: a bare hill; bare feet

Antonyms: covered

Definition: overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something; sometimes used as a combining form

Main entry: unsheathed, bare

Definition: not having a protective covering

Usage: unsheathed cables; a bare blade

Antonyms: sheathed

Definition: enclosed in a protective covering; sometimes used in combination

Main entry: stripped, bare

Definition: having everything extraneous removed including contents

Usage: the bare walls; the cupboard was bare

Antonyms: fill, fill up

Definition: become full

Antonyms: fill, fill up, make full

Definition: make full, also in a metaphorical sense

Antonyms: full

Definition: containing as much or as many as is possible or normal

Main entry: simple, mere, bare

Definition: apart from anything else; without additions or modifications

Usage: only the bare facts; shocked by the mere idea; the simple passage of time was enough; the simple truth

Antonyms: patterned

Definition: having patterns (especially colorful patterns)

Antonyms: fancy

Definition: not plain; decorative or ornamented

Main entry: marginal, bare

Definition: just barely adequate or within a lower limit

Usage: a bare majority; a marginal victory

Antonyms: widen

Definition: become broader or wider or more extensive

Antonyms: broad, wide

Definition: having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other

Antonyms: wide

Definition: great in degree

Main entry: unembellished, unornamented, plain, bare, spare

Definition: lacking embellishment or ornamentation

Usage: a plain hair style; unembellished white walls; functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete

Antonyms: decorated, adorned

Definition: provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction

Main entry: bare, scanty, spare

Definition: lacking in amplitude or quantity

Usage: a bare livelihood; a scanty harvest; a spare diet

Antonyms: ample

Definition: more than enough in size or scope or capacity

Antonyms: fully, amply

Definition: sufficiently; more than adequately

Antonyms: richly, amply

Definition: to an ample degree or in an ample manner

Antonyms: generous

Definition: willing to give and share unstintingly

Main entry: nude, naked, au naturel, bare

Definition: completely unclothed

Usage: bare bodies; naked from the waist up; a nude model

Antonyms: clad, clothed

Definition: wearing or provided with clothing; sometimes used in combination

Main entry: desolate, bleak, bare, barren, stark

Definition: providing no shelter or sustenance

Usage: bare rocky hills; barren lands; the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes; the desolate surface of the moon; a stark landscape

Antonyms: hospitable

Definition: favorable to life and growth

Antonyms: hospitable

Definition: disposed to treat guests and strangers with cordiality and generosity

Main entry: unfinished, bare

Definition: lacking a surface finish such as paint

Usage: bare wood; unfinished furniture

Antonyms: painted

Definition: coated with paint

Antonyms: painted

Definition: having makeup applied

Visual thesaurus for bare