Antonyms for attached

Antonyms for (adj) attached

Main entry: attached, committed

Definition: associated in an exclusive sexual relationship

Antonyms: unattached, uncommitted

Definition: not associated in an exclusive sexual relationship

Antonyms: unintended

Definition: not deliberate

Antonyms: uninvolved

Definition: not involved

Main entry: attached

Definition: used of buildings joined by common sidewalls

Usage: a block of attached houses

Antonyms: detached

Definition: used of buildings; standing apart from others

Main entry: attached

Definition: fond and affectionate

Usage: she was very attached to her father

Antonyms: unloving

Definition: not giving or reciprocating affection

Main entry: connected, affiliated, attached

Definition: being joined in close association

Usage: affiliated clubs; all art schools whether independent or attached to universities

Antonyms: unrelated

Definition: not connected by kinship

Antonyms: unrelated

Definition: lacking a logical or causal relation

Visual thesaurus for attached