Antonyms for asleep

Antonyms for (adj) asleep

Main entry: asleep

Definition: in a state of sleep

Usage: were all asleep when the phone rang; fell asleep at the wheel

Antonyms: awake

Definition: not in a state of sleep; completely conscious

Antonyms: active

Definition: (of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt

Antonyms: awakened

Definition: aroused or activated

Main entry: deceased, departed, gone, asleep, at peace, at rest

Definition: dead

Usage: he is deceased; our dear departed friend

Antonyms: living

Definition: people who are still living

Antonyms: alive, live

Definition: possessing life

Antonyms: live

Definition: exerting force or containing energy

Main entry: asleep, benumbed, numb

Definition: lacking sensation

Usage: my foot is asleep; numb with cold

Antonyms: sensible, sensitive

Definition: able to feel or perceive

Visual thesaurus for asleep