Antonyms for adynamic

Antonyms for (adj) adynamic

Main entry: adynamic, undynamic

Definition: characterized by an absence of force or forcefulness

Antonyms: dynamic, dynamical

Definition: characterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality

Antonyms: forward

Definition: at or near or directed toward the front

Antonyms: forward

Definition: used of temperament or behavior; lacking restraint or modesty

Antonyms: ahead, forward

Definition: toward the future; forward in time

Antonyms: frontward, frontwards, forrad, forrard, forward, forwards

Definition: at or to or toward the front

Main entry: adynamic, asthenic, debilitated, enervated

Definition: lacking strength or vigor

Antonyms: strong

Definition: having strength or power greater than average or expected

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