Antonyms for acceptable

Antonyms for (adj) acceptable

Main entry: acceptable

Definition: worthy of acceptance or satisfactory

Usage: acceptable levels of radiation; performances varied from acceptable to excellent

Antonyms: unacceptable

Definition: not acceptable; not welcome

Main entry: acceptable

Definition: adequate for the purpose

Usage: the water was acceptable for drinking

Antonyms: unfit

Definition: not in good physical or mental condition; out of condition

Antonyms: unfit

Definition: below the required standards for a purpose

Main entry: satisfactory, acceptable

Definition: meeting requirements

Usage: the step makes a satisfactory seat

Antonyms: evil, evilness

Definition: the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice

Antonyms: bad, badness

Definition: that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency

Antonyms: bad

Definition: having undesirable or negative qualities

Antonyms: evil

Definition: morally bad or wrong

Main entry: acceptable

Definition: judged to be in conformity with approved usage

Usage: acceptable English usage

Antonyms: nonstandard

Definition: not standard; not accepted as a model of excellence

Antonyms: nonstandard

Definition: varying from or not adhering to a standard

Antonyms: nonstandard

Definition: not conforming to the language usage of a prestige group within a community

Visual thesaurus for acceptable