Synonyms for unrestricted

Synonyms for (adj) unrestricted

Synonyms: unrestricted, nonsensitive

Definition: never having had security classification

Similar words: unclassified

Definition: not subject to a security classification

Synonyms: unrestricted

Definition: free of restrictions on conduct

Usage: I had unrestricted access

Similar words: free

Definition: able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint

Usage: free enterprise; a free port; a free country; I have an hour free; free will; free of racism; feel free to stay as long as you wish; a free choice

Synonyms: unrestricted

Definition: not restricted or modified in meaning

Usage: unrestricted verbs are usually stronger than those qualified by adverbs

Similar words: unmodified

Definition: not changed in form or character

Synonyms: unexclusive, unrestricted

Definition: accessible to all

Similar words: public

Definition: not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole

Usage: the public good; public libraries; public funds; public parks; a public scandal; public gardens; performers and members of royal families are public figures

Synonyms: unrestricted

Definition: not subject to or subjected to restriction

Similar words: all-weather

Definition: usable or operative or practiced in all kinds of weather

Usage: a good all-weather road; all-weather flying

Similar words: discretionary

Definition: (especially of funds) not earmarked; available for use as needed

Usage: discretionary funds; discretionary income

Similar words: open

Definition: accessible to all

Usage: open season; an open economy

Similar words: open-plan

Definition: (of rooms or buildings) having large rooms with few dividing partitions

Similar words: open-ended

Definition: without fixed limits or restrictions

Usage: an open-ended discussion

Visual thesaurus for unrestricted