Synonyms for uncorrupted

Synonyms for (adj) uncorrupted

Synonyms: uncorrupted

Definition: not debased

Usage: though his associates were dishonest, he remained uncorrupted; uncorrupted values

Similar words: incorrupt

Definition: free of corruption or immorality

Usage: a policeman who was incorrupt and incorruptible

Synonyms: uncorrupted, unspoiled

Definition: not decayed or decomposed

Similar words: incorrupt

Definition: free of corruption or immorality

Usage: a policeman who was incorrupt and incorruptible

Synonyms: uncorrupted, undefiled

Definition: (of language) not having its purity or excellence debased

Usage: uncorrupted English; learn to speak pure English undefiled- Van Wyck Brooks

Similar words: perfect

Definition: being complete of its kind and without defect or blemish

Usage: a perfect circle; a perfect reproduction; perfect happiness; perfect manners; a perfect specimen; a perfect day

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