Synonyms for pullulate

Synonyms for (verb) pullulate

Synonyms: pullulate

Definition: breed freely and abundantly

Similar words: multiply, breed

Definition: have young (animals) or reproduce (organisms)

Usage: pandas rarely breed in captivity; These bacteria reproduce

Synonyms: pullulate

Definition: become abundant; increase rapidly

Similar words: increase

Definition: become bigger or greater in amount

Usage: The amount of work increased

Synonyms: germinate, bourgeon, burgeon forth, pullulate, sprout, spud, shoot

Definition: produce buds, branches, or germinate

Usage: the potatoes sprouted

Similar words: grow

Definition: increase in size by natural process

Usage: Corn doesn't grow here; In these forests, mushrooms grow under the trees; her hair doesn't grow much anymore

Synonyms: swarm, teem, stream, pullulate, pour

Definition: move in large numbers

Usage: people were pouring out of the theater; beggars pullulated in the plaza

Similar words: crowd, crowd together

Definition: to gather together in large numbers

Usage: men in straw boaters and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah

Synonyms: pullulate, swarm, teem

Definition: be teeming, be abuzz

Usage: The garden was swarming with bees; The plaza is teeming with undercover policemen; her mind pullulated with worries

Similar words: seethe, hum, buzz

Definition: be noisy with activity

Usage: This office is buzzing with activity

Visual thesaurus for pullulate