Synonyms for plodding

Synonyms for (noun) plodding

Synonyms: plod, plodding

Definition: the act of walking with a slow heavy gait

Usage: I could recognize his plod anywhere

Similar words: walk, walking

Definition: the act of traveling by foot

Usage: walking is a healthy form of exercise

Synonyms: donkeywork, drudgery, plodding, grind

Definition: hard monotonous routine work

Similar words: labor, labour, toil

Definition: productive work (especially physical work done for wages)

Usage: his labor did not require a great deal of skill

Synonyms for (adj) plodding

Synonyms: leaden, plodding

Definition: (of movement) slow and laborious

Usage: leaden steps

Similar words: effortful

Definition: requiring great physical effort

Visual thesaurus for plodding