Synonyms for loading

Synonyms for (noun) loading

Synonyms: loading

Definition: the labor of putting a load of something on or in a vehicle or ship or container etc.

Usage: the loading took 2 hours

Similar words: handling

Definition: manual (or mechanical) carrying or moving or delivering or working with something

Synonyms: cargo, consignment, freight, loading, lading, load, shipment, payload

Definition: goods carried by a large vehicle

Similar words: merchandise, product, ware

Definition: commodities offered for sale

Usage: good business depends on having good merchandise; that store offers a variety of products

Synonyms: burden, load, loading

Definition: weight to be borne or conveyed

Similar words: weight

Definition: an artifact that is heavy

Synonyms: load, loading

Definition: a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time

Usage: the system broke down under excessive loads

Similar words: indefinite quantity

Definition: an estimated quantity

Synonyms: loading

Definition: the ratio of the gross weight of an airplane to some factor determining its lift

Similar words: ratio

Definition: the relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient)

Visual thesaurus for loading