Synonyms for liquid

Synonyms for (noun) liquid

Synonyms: liquid

Definition: a frictionless continuant that is not a nasal consonant (especially `l' and `r')

Similar words: consonant

Definition: a speech sound that is not a vowel

Synonyms: liquid, liquid state, liquidity, liquidness

Definition: the state in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow with little or no tendency to disperse and relatively high incompressibility

Similar words: state, state of matter

Definition: (chemistry) the three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container)

Usage: the solid state of water is called ice

Synonyms: liquid

Definition: fluid matter having no fixed shape but a fixed volume

Similar words: fluid

Definition: continuous amorphous matter that tends to flow and to conform to the outline of its container: a liquid or a gas

Synonyms: liquid

Definition: a substance that is liquid at room temperature and pressure

Similar words: fluid

Definition: a substance that is fluid at room temperature and pressure

Synonyms for (adj) liquid

Synonyms: limpid, liquid

Definition: clear and bright

Usage: the liquid air of a spring morning; eyes shining with a liquid luster; limpid blue eyes

Similar words: clear

Definition: allowing light to pass through

Usage: clear water; clear plastic bags; clear glass; the air is clear and clean

Synonyms: fluid, liquid

Definition: in cash or easily convertible to cash

Usage: liquid (or fluid) assets

Similar words: disposable

Definition: free or available for use or disposition

Usage: every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the fire; disposable assets

Synonyms: fluent, fluid, smooth, liquid

Definition: smooth and unconstrained in movement

Usage: a long, smooth stride; the fluid motion of a cat; the liquid grace of a ballerina

Similar words: graceful

Definition: characterized by beauty of movement, style, form, or execution

Synonyms: liquid

Definition: smooth and flowing in quality; entirely free of harshness

Usage: the liquid song of a robin

Similar words: musical

Definition: characteristic of or resembling or accompanied by music

Usage: a musical speaking voice; a musical comedy

Synonyms: liquid, liquified, melted

Definition: changed from a solid to a liquid state

Usage: rivers filled to overflowing by melted snow

Similar words: dissolved

Definition: (of solid matter) reduced to a liquid form

Usage: add the dissolved gelatin

Similar words: fusible

Definition: capable of being melted and fused

Similar words: liquefied, liquified, molten

Definition: reduced to liquid form by heating

Usage: a mass of molten rock

Similar words: thawed

Definition: no longer frozen solid

Usage: the thawed ice was treacherous

Synonyms: liquid

Definition: existing as or having characteristics of a liquid; especially tending to flow

Usage: water and milk and blood are liquid substances

Similar words: runny, fluid

Definition: characteristic of a fluid; capable of flowing and easily changing shape

Similar words: liquefiable, liquifiable

Definition: capable of being liquefied

Similar words: liquefied, liquified

Definition: reduced to a liquid state

Usage: liquefied petroleum gas

Similar words: semiliquid

Definition: somewhat liquid

Similar words: watery

Definition: relating to or resembling or consisting of water

Usage: a watery substance; a watery color

Synonyms: swimming, liquid

Definition: filled or brimming with tears

Usage: swimming eyes; sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid

Similar words: tearful

Definition: filled with or marked by tears

Usage: tearful eyes; tearful entreaties

Visual thesaurus for liquid