Synonyms for instrumentation

Synonyms for (noun) instrumentation

Synonyms: instrumentation

Definition: the act of providing or using the instruments needed for some implementation

Similar words: implementation, effectuation

Definition: the act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into effect

Synonyms: orchestration, instrumentation

Definition: the act of arranging a piece of music for an orchestra and assigning parts to the different musical instruments

Similar words: transcription, arrangement, arranging

Definition: the act of arranging and adapting a piece of music

Synonyms: instrumentality, instrumentation

Definition: an artifact (or system of artifacts) that is instrumental in accomplishing some end

Similar words: artefact, artifact

Definition: a man-made object taken as a whole

Synonyms: instrumentation

Definition: the instruments called for in a musical score or arrangement for a band or orchestra

Similar words: musical arrangement, arrangement

Definition: a piece of music that has been adapted for performance by a particular set of voices or instruments

Visual thesaurus for instrumentation