Synonyms for groundwork

Synonyms for (noun) groundwork

Synonyms: groundwork

Definition: preliminary preparation as a basis or foundation

Usage: we are prepared today because of groundwork that was done ten years ago

Similar words: readying, preparation

Definition: the activity of putting or setting in order in advance of some act or purpose

Usage: preparations for the ceremony had begun

Synonyms: foot, foundation, fundament, base, understructure, substructure, groundwork

Definition: lowest support of a structure

Usage: it was built on a base of solid rock; he stood at the foot of the tower

Similar words: support

Definition: supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation

Usage: the statue stood on a marble support

Synonyms: foundation, fundament, groundwork, cornerstone, base, basis

Definition: the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained

Usage: the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture

Similar words: assumption, supposal, supposition

Definition: a hypothesis that is taken for granted

Usage: any society is built upon certain assumptions

Visual thesaurus for groundwork