Synonyms for fortunate

Synonyms for (adj) fortunate

Synonyms: fortunate, rosy

Definition: presaging good fortune

Usage: she made a fortunate decision to go to medical school; rosy predictions

Similar words: auspicious

Definition: auguring favorable circumstances and good luck

Usage: an auspicious beginning for the campaign

Synonyms: golden, fortunate

Definition: supremely favored

Usage: golden lads and girls all must / like chimney sweepers come to dust

Similar words: blessed, blest

Definition: highly favored or fortunate (as e.g. by divine grace)

Usage: our blessed land; the blessed assurance of a steady income

Synonyms: fortunate

Definition: having unexpected good fortune

Usage: other, less fortunate, children died; a fortunate choice

Similar words: better off

Definition: in a more fortunate or prosperous condition

Usage: she would have been better off if she had stuck with teaching; is better off than his classmate

Similar words: felicitous, happy

Definition: marked by good fortune

Usage: a felicitous life; a happy outcome

Similar words: fortuitous

Definition: occurring by happy chance

Usage: profits were enhanced by a fortuitous drop in the cost of raw materials

Similar words: good, well

Definition: resulting favorably

Usage: it's a good thing that I wasn't there; it is good that you stayed; it is well that no one saw you; all's well that ends well

Similar words: heaven-sent, miraculous, providential

Definition: peculiarly fortunate or appropriate; as if by divine intervention

Usage: a heaven-sent rain saved the crops; a providential recovery

Similar words: lucky

Definition: occurring by chance

Usage: a lucky escape; a lucky guess

Similar words: well-off

Definition: fortunately situated

Usage: doesn't know when he's well-off

Visual thesaurus for fortunate