Synonyms for forced

Synonyms for (adj) forced

Synonyms: constrained, forced, strained

Definition: lacking spontaneity; not natural

Usage: a constrained smile; forced heartiness; a strained smile

Similar words: affected, unnatural

Definition: speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression

Synonyms: forced

Definition: made necessary by an unexpected situation or emergency

Usage: a forced landing

Similar words: unscheduled

Definition: not scheduled or not on a regular schedule

Usage: an unscheduled meeting; the plane made an unscheduled stop at Gander for refueling

Synonyms: forced

Definition: forced or compelled

Usage: promised to abolish forced labor

Similar words: unvoluntary, nonvoluntary, involuntary

Definition: not subject to the control of the will

Usage: involuntary manslaughter; involuntary servitude; an involuntary shudder; It (becoming a hero) was involuntary. They sank my boat- John F.Kennedy

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