Synonyms for fall apart

Synonyms for (verb) fall apart

Synonyms: separate, split up, come apart, break, fall apart

Definition: become separated into pieces or fragments

Usage: The figurine broke; The freshly baked loaf fell apart

Similar words: change integrity

Definition: change in physical make-up

Synonyms: fall apart, crumble

Definition: break or fall apart into fragments

Usage: The cookies crumbled; The Sphinx is crumbling

Similar words: disintegrate

Definition: break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity

Usage: The material disintegrated; the group disintegrated after the leader died

Synonyms: fall apart, bust, break, wear, wear out

Definition: go to pieces

Usage: The lawn mower finally broke; The gears wore out; The old chair finally fell apart completely

Similar words: dilapidate, crumble, decay

Definition: fall into decay or ruin

Usage: The unoccupied house started to decay

Synonyms: fall apart, go to pieces

Definition: lose one's emotional or mental composure

Usage: She fell apart when her only child died

Similar words: break down, snap, lose it

Definition: lose control of one's emotions

Usage: When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely; When her baby died, she snapped

Visual thesaurus for fall apart