Synonyms for extort

Synonyms for (verb) extort

Synonyms: extort, wring from

Definition: get or cause to become in a difficult or laborious manner

Similar words: obtain

Definition: come into possession of

Usage: How did you obtain the visa?

Synonyms: rack, extort, wring, gouge, squeeze

Definition: obtain by coercion or intimidation

Usage: They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss; They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him

Similar words: gazump, fleece, soak, overcharge, hook, rob, pluck, plume, surcharge

Definition: rip off; ask an unreasonable price

Synonyms: extort

Definition: obtain through intimidation

Similar words: take

Definition: take by force

Usage: Hitler took the Baltic Republics; The army took the fort on the hill

Visual thesaurus for extort