Synonyms for emerge

Synonyms for (verb) emerge

Synonyms: emerge

Definition: come out into view, as from concealment

Usage: Suddenly, the proprietor emerged from his office

Similar words: appear

Definition: come into sight or view

Usage: He suddenly appeared at the wedding; A new star appeared on the horizon

Synonyms: emerge

Definition: become known or apparent

Usage: Some nice results emerged from the study

Similar words: appear

Definition: come into sight or view

Usage: He suddenly appeared at the wedding; A new star appeared on the horizon

Synonyms: emerge

Definition: come up to the surface of or rise

Usage: He felt new emotions emerge

Similar words: come up, surface, rise, rise up

Definition: come to the surface

Synonyms: come forth, emerge

Definition: happen or occur as a result of something

Similar words: grow, arise, originate, spring up, develop, uprise, rise

Definition: come into existence; take on form or shape

Usage: A new religious movement originated in that country; a love that sprang up from friendship; the idea for the book grew out of a short story; An interesting phenomenon uprose

Visual thesaurus for emerge