Synonyms for drop off

Synonyms for (verb) drop off

Synonyms: drop off

Definition: fall or diminish

Usage: The number of students in this course dropped off after the first test

Similar words: fall, lessen, diminish, decrease

Definition: decrease in size, extent, or range

Usage: The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester; The cabin pressure fell dramatically; her weight fell to under a hundred pounds; his voice fell to a whisper

Synonyms: drop away, drop off, fall away, slip

Definition: get worse

Usage: My grades are slipping

Similar words: worsen, decline

Definition: grow worse

Usage: Conditions in the slum worsened

Synonyms: drop off, recede, lose, fall back, fall behind

Definition: retreat

Similar words: regress, retrograde, retrogress

Definition: get worse or fall back to a previous condition

Synonyms: discharge, drop, drop off, put down, set down, unload

Definition: leave or unload

Usage: unload the cargo; drop off the passengers at the hotel

Similar words: deliver

Definition: bring to a destination, make a delivery

Usage: our local super market delivers

Visual thesaurus for drop off