Synonyms for devour

Synonyms for (verb) devour

Synonyms: guttle, pig, raven, devour

Definition: eat greedily

Usage: he devoured three sandwiches

Similar words: eat

Definition: take in solid food

Usage: She was eating a banana; What did you eat for dinner last night?

Synonyms: consume, down, devour, go through

Definition: eat immoderately

Usage: Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal

Similar words: eat

Definition: take in solid food

Usage: She was eating a banana; What did you eat for dinner last night?

Synonyms: devour

Definition: destroy completely

Usage: Fire had devoured our home

Similar words: ruin, destroy

Definition: destroy completely; damage irreparably

Usage: You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!; The tears ruined her make-up

Synonyms: devour

Definition: enjoy avidly

Usage: She devoured his novels

Similar words: relish, bask, enjoy, savor, savour

Definition: derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in

Usage: She relished her fame and basked in her glory

Visual thesaurus for devour