Synonyms for brushed

Synonyms for (adj) brushed

Synonyms: fleecy, brushed, napped

Definition: (of fabrics) having soft nap produced by brushing

Usage: a dress of brushed cotton; a fleecy lining; napped fabrics

Similar words: soft

Definition: yielding readily to pressure or weight

Synonyms: brushed

Definition: (of hair or clothing) groomed with a brush

Usage: with shining hair neatly brushed; the freshly brushed clothes hung in the closet

Similar words: groomed

Definition: neat and smart in appearance; well cared for

Usage: the manager was a beautifully groomed young man; his horse was always groomed

Synonyms: brushed

Definition: touched lightly in passing; grazed against

Usage: of all the people brushed against in a normal day on a city street I remember not a one

Similar words: touched

Definition: having come into contact

Visual thesaurus for brushed