Synonyms for accurate

Synonyms for (adj) accurate

Synonyms: accurate

Definition: conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy

Usage: an accurate reproduction; the accounting was accurate; accurate measurements; an accurate scale

Similar words: faithful, close

Definition: marked by fidelity to an original

Usage: a close translation; a faithful copy of the portrait; a faithful rendering of the observed facts

Similar words: dead-on

Definition: accurate and to the point

Usage: a dead-on feel for characterization; She avoids big scenes...preferring to rely on small gestures and dead-on dialogue- Peter S.Prescott

Similar words: hi-fi, high-fidelity

Definition: characterized by minimal distortion in sound reproduction

Usage: a high-fidelity recording; a hi-fi system

Similar words: surgical

Definition: performed with great precision

Usage: a surgical air strike

Similar words: straight

Definition: in keeping with the facts

Usage: set the record straight; made sure the facts were straight in the report

Similar words: true, dead on target

Definition: accurately placed or thrown

Usage: his aim was true; he was dead on target

Similar words: right, veracious

Definition: precisely accurate

Usage: a veracious account

Synonyms: precise, accurate, exact

Definition: (of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth ; strictly correct

Usage: a precise image; a precise measurement

Similar words: right, correct

Definition: free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth

Usage: the correct answer; the correct version; the right answer; took the right road; the right decision

Visual thesaurus for accurate