Antonyms for watchful

Antonyms for (adj) watchful

Main entry: alert, watchful

Definition: engaged in or accustomed to close observation

Usage: caught by a couple of alert cops; alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came; constantly alert and vigilant, like a sentinel on duty

Antonyms: unvigilant, unwatchful, unalert

Definition: not alert to what is potentially dangerous

Antonyms: lidded

Definition: having or covered with a lid or lids; often used in combination

Main entry: watchful, insomniac, sleepless

Definition: experiencing or accompanied by sleeplessness

Usage: insomniac old people; insomniac nights; lay sleepless all night; twenty watchful, weary, tedious nights- Shakespeare

Antonyms: asleep

Definition: in a state of sleep

Visual thesaurus for watchful