Antonyms for untouched

Antonyms for (adj) untouched

Main entry: untouched

Definition: not having come in contact

Antonyms: touched

Definition: having come into contact

Main entry: unaffected, unmoved, untouched

Definition: emotionally unmoved

Usage: always appeared completely unmoved and imperturbable

Antonyms: moved, touched, stirred, affected

Definition: being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion

Main entry: untasted, untouched

Definition: still full

Usage: an untouched cocktail in her hand

Antonyms: empty

Definition: holding or containing nothing

Antonyms: thin

Definition: (of sound) lacking resonance or volume

Main entry: uninfluenced, unswayed, untouched

Definition: not influenced or affected

Usage: stewed in its petty provincialism untouched by the brisk debates that stirred the old world- V.L.Parrington; unswayed by personal considerations

Antonyms: affected

Definition: acted upon; influenced

Antonyms: affected, unnatural

Definition: speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression

Visual thesaurus for untouched